In August 1851 gold was discovered at Ballarat, creating the greatest gold rush the
world had ever seen. Within a few short years population had reached more than 40,000 people and the tent town of Ballarat quickly gave way to a grand Victorian city of timber, brick and bluestone.
Ballarat Heritage Tours invites you to discover the city's golden past, from the first gold
rush diggers, to the birth of a prominent, wealthy city. Explore Ballarat's grand Victorian streetscapes of opulent ''Boomtown'' architecture and become captivated by the history behind the facades. True tales of rebellion, tragedy and triumph, fortunes won and lost, along with the city's highest achievers and world famous visitors. Here is your chance to discover the city built by gold.
For all booking enquires:
Ph. 1300 961 153 or info@ballaratheritagetours.com.auBOOKINGS ESSENTIAL